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Ylva and Miren at the Glasgow Bioinformatics summer school!

Ylva and Miren at the Glasgow Bioinformatics summer school

It’s a wrap! Ylva and Miren have just returned from Scotland, where they have been taking the Advanced Single Cell course organized at the University of Glasgow.

The course covers all things single cell – from fundamentals through to spatial analysis. It’s been a fantastic opportunity to meet with researchers and discuss about bioinformatic analysis strategies… and to also visit the Highlands and a whisky distillery!

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This work has been generously funded by:

Visiting address: 

Department of Molecular Biosciences, 

The Wenner-Gren Institute (MBW) 

Stockholm University 

Svante Arrheniusväg 20C,  room F516

106 91 Stockholm 



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