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New study out!

Check out our latest paper published in Frontiers in Immunology! The study stems from a collaboration between the Theopold and Ankarklev labs at Stockholm University.

Our research investigates the complex role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) in tumor growth regulation. Using a Drosophila model, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of hemocytes from tumor and wild-type larvae. We identified distinct hemocyte clusters and found that circulating hemocytes in tumor models exhibit enhanced cell division gene expression. Additionally, TAMs displayed varying immune responses depending on the tumor model. Our study highlights the utility of Drosophila in studying tumor responses at an organismic level, shedding light on the interplay between apoptosis, immune cells, and tumor progression.

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This work has been generously funded by:

Visiting address: 

Department of Molecular Biosciences, 

The Wenner-Gren Institute (MBW) 

Stockholm University 

Svante Arrheniusväg 20C,  room F516

106 91 Stockholm 



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