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"Our ultimate goal is to discover novel strategies to hamper malaria transmission."

15 nov. 2022
10X Xenium launch
AnkarklevLab representing at the 10X Xenium launch at the spatial HQ in Stockholm, Sweden.

20 okt. 2022
Dr. Nilmar Moretti visiting AnkarklevLab
Dr. Nilmar Moretti from the Federal University of São Paulo visiting AnkarklevLab and SciLifeLab for a hectic week of seminars, project...

11 sep. 2022
Another bright young student join AnkaklevLab!!
Miren Urrutia, originally from Spain, completed her Master’s degree in the Molecular Techniques in Life Sciences master’s program, here...

31 aug. 2022
We welcome Ylva Veith to the AnkarklevLab!
Ylva recently finished her Master’s degree in the lab of Professor Kai Matuschewski at Humboldt University. She has ample background in...

1 mars 2022
Dr. Diego Macedo has joined the team!!
“We are excited to announce that Dr. Diego Macedo has joined the team 2022-03-01. Diego recently finished his PhD thesis on the topic of...

3 dec. 2021
We are VR excited!!!
Great news!! We have been awarded an additional grant by the Swedish Research Council for Developmental Research. We are grateful and...

2 dec. 2021
Our study on Spatial Transcriptomics of the liver is out in Nature Communications!
DOI Franziska Hildebrandt et al. publish their paper entitled, "Spatial Transcriptomics to define transcriptional patterns of zonation...

10 nov. 2021
AnkarklevLab is co-recipient of a grant awarded by the Cancer Foundation!
Group Ankarklev, as co-applicant, has been awarded a grant from the Cancerfonden for the next 3 years. We are excited and grateful for...

4 nov. 2021
VR research grant awarded for the next 4 years!
The Swedish Research Council has awarded group Ankarklev a Natural and engineering sciences project grant. Vetenskapsrådet (VR) will...

29 okt. 2021
Franzi, you're half way there!
Congrats to Franzi who did a great job at her 50% evaluation! Now on to the next challenge!

22 okt. 2021
Mubasher's half-way mark!
Mubasher gave a great performance for his half time or 50% evaluation. Well done, Mubasher!

14 okt. 2021
Alexis Dziedziech joins Ankarklev lab!
Lexi has started a short project as a post doc in the group of Johan Ankarklev. She has recently finished her PhD in infection biology...

5 okt. 2021
Welcome, Elena Christ!
Elena Christ, a bachelor's student, has joined the lab to learn about sexual differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum. Welcome to the...

28 juli 2020
eLife publication: Subtypes of hemocytes in mosquitos explored in our recent publication!
doi: 10.7554/eLife.66192 The publication of this article entitled, "Single-cell analysis of mosquito hemocytes identifies signatures of...

21 maj 2020
New and exciting work published in AAC
AnkarklevLab together with collaborators at Weill-Cornell Medicine publish a study showing the possibility of reversing epigenetically...

10 apr. 2020
AnkarklevLab representing at the Molecular Approaches to Malaria Conference
Our PhD student Mubasher presented his latest research at the Molecular Approaches to Malaria Conference 2020 (MAM2020) in Lorne, Australia

1 maj 2018
SciLifeLab Grant
Johan has been awarded a grant for pilot studies using infrastructures at SciLifeLab. Titel: “Profiling Malaria transmission Stage...

2 jan. 2017
Johan Ankarklev receives a major grant from the Swedish Society for Medical Research
Johan Ankarklev has been awarded the “Great Grant of the Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF)”.

1 dec. 2016
Johan Ankarklev receives an Establishment Grant from the Swedish Research Council!!
Johan Ankarklev has been awarded a "start up grant" from the Swedish Research Council.... Let's get this done!!

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